Brooke Fries

Doctor of acupuncture and chinese medicine



Hi, I’m Brooke! I’m a pediatric and adult acupuncturist, functional medicine practitioner, and Chinese herbalist…but you might also call me a complementary and holistic healer, a mindfulness convert, and a facilitator of the 4R’s: Relax, Regulate, Reframe, Restore.

As a pediatric practitioner, I am also a go-to for both the common and not-so-common conditions of childhood, a kid-calming guru, and a champion of your child’s gifts and strengths through the lens of the Five Elements.

I believe that all children can benefit from the gentle, powerful effects of treatment that boosts the immune system and calms the nervous system. From what I observe both as a parent and a practitioner, children love Chinese medicine. Treatments are generally soothing, relaxing, and enjoyable. My daughter can’t stop by the office without requesting a “treatment.” Usually her doll gets one as well…

My Background

I studied Human Biology and Dance at Stanford University and, after a professional dance career, I received my Master’s and subsequently my Doctorate in Traditional Chinese Medicine from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in New York City. My deep love and respect for Chinese medicine was originally inspired by my parents, who raised my sisters and I with a truly integrative and holistic outlook on medicine. It’s a privilege and honor to practice the very medicine that I grew up with, not to mention beyond wonderful to be IN practice with my mom and sister.

I have completed postgraduate training in Functional Medicine and Chinese Medicine Pediatrics and am passionate about providing complementary, holistic wellness options to families. I also have a 9 year old daughter and 4 year old boy-girl twins who have taught me more than any book or class ever could. I am continually challenged to learn and grow in order to meet each of them where they are at, with compassion, respect, and hopefully some humor in the mix. Did I mention it’s been challenging? Normalizing the parenting journey is yet another mission of mine.

Chinese medicine is not magic, but it is miraculous.

And there is something in it for everyone – every body can benefit.  I see it in my office on a regular basis: the healing, calming, regulating, and illuminating effects that Chinese medicine has on all ages – from infants to the wisest members of our families.

I help children and adults honor their body’s innate ability to heal and I utilize the gentle, effective tools of Chinese medicine to unlock this potential. No matter what age I am working with, my intention is the same: to support the body to do its instinctive healing work. Chinese medicine offers a true complement to other medical models in its emphasis on prevention and resilience, as well as its holistic, individualized approach to complex, chronic conditions.

I love what I do. It’s inspiring, invigorating, and so gratifying to watch people transform in front of my eyes. Please reach out via email or phone for a free 15-minute phone consultation or to schedule an appointment.