“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”
This quote from the Tale of Two Cities, by Dickens, comes to mind as I witness the current political climate in our country. As it is with everything, there is always a light that accompanies the dark. What if we intentionally, consciously choose to view any challenge that comes our way as an opportunity for growth and reflection?
Our suffering often results in a desire to either keep things as they are, or a desire to not feel the discontent and discomfort that accompanies feelings of sadness, frustration, disappointment and anger. If we are only content and happy when things are going our way we will suffer. What if we could actually embrace all of the myriad of feelings that we experience, and welcome them all?
It is finding the balance in nature, in the light and the dark, where we can rest in equanimity and grace. Sometimes we need a gentle nudge, and sometimes we need the support from those that can help. If you find yourself struggling in any area of your life we are here to help. Acupuncture, Chinese medicine and therapy all are rich and healing modalities to support your journey for inner peace and balance.
Photo Credit: Hannah Fries